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    TURN UP 結果共12筆

  • Last-minute pair Hsieh Su-wei and Zielinski clinch victory

    Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski emerged as the champions of the mixed doubles competition at the Australian Open on January 26. Despite their last-minute decision to team up, Hsieh and Zielinski staged an impressive comeback against American player Desirae Krawczyk and British player Neal Skupski, winning with a score of 6-7, 6-4, and 11-9. This victory holds great significance for both players, as it marks Hsieh’s first mixed doubles victory in a Grand Slam tournament and makes Zielinski the first Pole to secure a Grand Slam mixed doubles trophy. Prior to the match, Zielinski recognized Hsieh as a skilled doubles player, and he expressed his gratitude for her ability to break the curse and lead them to victory. Hsieh, in turn, praised Zielinski’s playing abilities, highlighting his skills in areas such as the baseline, net, and serve.
    2024/01/26 18:24
  • Ko Wen-je reverses stance on heavy motorcycles on freeways

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has shifted his stance on allowing heavy motorcycles on national freeways. Previously, he promised to open the freeways to heavy motorcycles if elected, but now suggests that if the majority opposes it, the government should amend the law accordingly. This change comes in response to public opinion polls showing that 60% of people are against the policy change. Ko cited discussions with the Drivers Union, which strongly opposes the idea, due to safety concerns such as an increase in accidents and fatalities. Additionally, Ko proposes eliminating the two-stage left turn system for motorcycles and having motorcyclists line up behind cars at traffic signals. He believes that the decision on left turns should be based on the number of lanes on the road, taking into account the specificities of different roadways.
    2023/12/12 20:06
  • 周湯豪瘦3公斤回歸小巨蛋!自誇「原子彈鮮肉」唱跳模樣帥爆

    周湯豪下周末將首度攻進小巨蛋開唱,搶先釋出唱跳新歌〈GET REAL〉,這首新歌是睽違6年、繼〈TURN UP〉後,再一全新街頭唱跳歌曲!周湯豪笑說自己是原子彈鮮肉回歸:「想不到自己會再回去當唱跳歌手,只能說為了小巨蛋舞台我使盡全力了。」
    2022/11/10 20:21
  • JPM當紅《原子》選手才3歲!Ella不怕累超時陪練〈來個蹦蹦〉

    TVBS播出的男團選秀《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》日前邀請到睽違6年未合體演出的JPM、陳漢典、吳映潔以及愛紗擔任助力導師,上週播出第二賽制「旅行者的金唱盤」上集,由節目導師坤達、周湯豪以及吳映潔打頭陣,依序演出〈放手〉、〈TURN UP〉和〈Sugar Rush〉3首經典熱門曲。
    2022/05/07 15:47
  • 周湯豪嚴肅練舞沒人敢吭聲 狂刁英文咬字「選手都很怕他」

    歌手周湯豪不僅會饒舌,舞台上的氣場更是風靡全台,經典歌曲〈帥到分手〉的傳唱度超級高,日前他成為《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》的首席導師之一,在節目中與「天王星」合作〈Turn Up〉;周湯豪私下陪他們團練的樣子相當嚴肅,從歌曲的咬字、身體的律動都一一雕琢,發揮自身專業來要求細節,嚴格的態度讓「天王星」的成員都很怕他。
    2022/05/03 19:29
  • 《原子》建中高材生改寫〈Turn Up〉 周湯豪:當自己歌在寫

    男團選秀節目《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》由Ella(陳嘉樺)、坤達、周湯豪、田一德擔任導師,最新一集導師合作賽昨日(1日)播出,上週拿下第一名的男團「天王星」,這週與導師周湯豪合作夯曲〈Turn Up〉,其中畢業於建中的高材生學員吳昱廷自己寫詞改編原曲,出眾創作能力驚艷全場。
    2022/05/02 17:13
  • 獨家影音/周湯豪爆壓力大釀「人群恐懼」 烙破台語自稱「熊派」

    偶像歌手周湯豪以〈帥到分手〉、〈Turn Up〉、〈i Go〉等歌曲廣為人知,抓耳的EDM曲風、與琅琅上口的饒舌歌詞備獲不少年輕人的追隨;近日他跨出歌手的舒適圈,在男團選秀《原子少年》中擔任首席導師,日前周湯豪接受《TVBS新聞網》的專訪,玩到快問快答的台語關卡時,平常不示弱的他竟求饒:「吼!我台語有限耶!很難耶!」最後在眾人的幫忙下成功用了3個台語形容自己。
    2022/04/22 14:52
  • Ella霸氣自稱「女團天花板」!DD52現身《原子少年》被教訓

    男團選秀節目《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》由Ella(陳嘉樺)、坤達、周湯豪與田一德擔任導師,17日於TVBS歡樂台、精彩台與LINE TV首播。節目從4000多名少年選出80人,依照個人特色分成8大行星,爭取上台及和導師合作的機會,最後更爭奪出道名額。首集邀來DD52學姐大跳〈放手〉、〈TURN UP〉等經典曲目,最後唱到〈波絲貓〉,讓擔任導師的原唱Ella忍不住衝上台,直說:「我不上去教訓她們好像不行。」
    2022/04/18 14:19
  • KKBOX年度風雲歌手集結北流 獻唱超夯神曲掀高潮

    第16屆KKBOX音樂風雲榜頒獎典禮,今( 13 日)首次於臺北流行音樂中心重磅登場!今年以放大音量、多元發聲的「Turn Up」為主題,場外特別將風雲榜「放大」,首度擴大舉辦成兩天「催下去音樂節」,連兩天豐富多元的精彩內容勢必嗨翻南港。
    2021/03/13 22:02
  • 周湯豪帥到耶誕城! 熱力唱跳歌迷暴動喊:太狂

    一連三天的《2017新北市歡樂耶誕城-巨星耶誕演唱會》,於(15日)起盛大登場,多組藝人輪番開唱讓現場嗨翻,唱跳歌手「Nick」周湯豪壓軸出場,接連演唱《角頭》、《TURN UP》、《需要你的美》及《帥到分手》,不少粉絲一早就來排隊卡位,正式演出時現場尖叫聲不斷!
    2017/12/17 21:39
  • 周湯豪羅浮宮跳《TURN UP》 女友視角逛巴黎鐵塔

    Nick周湯豪日前啟程前往巴黎,進行他的時裝周初體驗。近日他又陸續看了LOEWE、Vivienne Westwood等大秀,還和全球知名設計師在現場交流。有趣的是,Nick此行不忘把握機會在巴黎觀光,他除了用「女友視角」帶大家逛巴黎鐵塔外,更在羅浮宮前大跳《TURN UP》,吸引不少路人圍觀。
    2017/10/03 17:59
  • 「turn up」變「躺啊」 反骨男孩仿周湯豪竄紅

    2017/01/17 18:33
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